1. William1 STEVENSON (2125); born circa 1785?; he was a smith. Marriage banns for he and Janet Wallace (2126) were published 9 October 1809 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; married Janet Wallace (2126), daughter of William Wallace (2176) and Janet Wyllie (2177), 21 October 1809 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; the text of the marriage record states: "Dunlop 9th Oct 1809 Then William Stevenson and / Janet Wallace both of this parish, give in their names / for proclamation in order to marriage and married this / 21st this month Mr. Brisbain [sp.?];" died between 1826 and 1841? at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; it is probable that William died sometime after the birth of his son Andrew, circa 1826, and prior to 1841 when the census records his wife as the Head of Household.
Janet WALLACE (2126) was born on 10 January 1786 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; the text of the birth record states: "Janet, Daughter lawful to William Wallace in Bourock and his spouse born 10th Janry and baptised 15th." She was baptized on 15 January 1786 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK. She appeared on the census of 1841 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; Janet was recorded as the Head of Household. Her age was listed as 50 years, her occupation as Sicknurse, and her birthplace as Scotland. Also listed were sons John and Andrew. She appeared on the census of 1851 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; Janet was recorded as the Head of Household under the name "Janet Stevenson." Her age was listed as 66 years, her occupation as Seamstress, and her birthplace as Ayrshire, Scotland. She was apparently living alone.
Children of William1 Stevenson (2125) and Janet Wallace (2126) were as follows:
He was probably a shoemaker, as the 1841 census records him as a shoemaker apprentice. He appeared on the census of 1841 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; Andrew was recorded as living with his mother, his age was listed as 15 years, his occupation as Shoem.[aker] Ap.[prentice], and his birthplace as Scotland. Also listed was his brother, John.
3. John2 STEVENSON (2123) (William1); born 31 October 1815 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; the text of the birth record states: "Stevenson, John Son to William Stevenson / Smith, Dunlop & Janet Wallace / his wife born 31 Oct 1815;" married Jean (Jane) R. King (2124), daughter of John King (2127) and Margaret Kirkwood (2128), 20 July 1841 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; the text of the marriage record states: "Then John Stevenson, mason, and Jean King both in this parish gave in their names for proclamation of banns in marriage and were married at Gameshill, Dunlop on 20th July 1841 by the Rev. Mr. Dickie;" died 6 October 1874 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT, at age 58; the cause of death, certified by by Levi Ives M.D., was pneumonia; buried after 6 October 1874 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT; he was buried in the Stevenson family plot (#368 South Street). There is also an "Elizabeth W. _______" buried in the family plot, who died 25 April 1921, whose relationship to the family is unknown.
He was a mason. The First Congregational Church of West Haven, CT records a "Miss Jennie M. Stevenson" who died on 6 February 1906 at age 57, who may be John and Jean's daughter Janet, born circa 1847. He appeared on the census of 1841 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; John was recorded as living with his mother, his age was listed as 25 years, his occupation as Mason J.[ourneyman], and his birthplace as Scotland. Also listed was his brother, Andrew.
Jean (Jane) R. KING (2124) was born on 24 January 1820 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; the text of the birth record states: "Jean daughter to John King, Mains & his wife / Margaret Kirkwood born 24th Janry 1820." She appeared on the census of 1851 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; Jean was recorded as the Head of Household, so it is probable that her husband John was away on business at the time of the census. Jean's age was listed as 30 years, her occupation as Mason's wife, and her birthplace as Ayrshire, Scotland. Also listed were children Margaret, Janet, Jane, William, and Martha. She died on 2 August 1892 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT, at age 72; cause of death was "cancer of stomach." Her age at death, as reported by her daughter, Mrs. John Brown, was 72 years, 6 months. She was buried after 2 August 1892 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT; she was buried in the Stevenson family plot (#368 South Street). The name inscribed on the gravestone is "Jane Stevenson."
Children of John2 Stevenson (2123) and Jean (Jane) R. King (2124) were as follows:
She appeared on the census of 1851 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; Margaret's age was listed as 9 years, her occupation as Scholar, and her birthplace as Ayrshire, Scotland (although she was probably born at Dunlop where the family was well-established). Also listed were her mother and siblings Janet, Jane, William, and Martha.
She appeared on the census of 1851 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; Janet's age was listed as 7 years, her occupation as Scholar, and her birthplace as Ayrshire, Scotland (although she was probably born at Dunlop where the family was well-established). Also listed were her mother and siblings Margaret, Jane, William, and Martha.
She appeared on the census of 1851 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; Jane's age was listed as 4 years and her birthplace as Ayrshire, Scotland (although she was probably born at Dunlop where the family was well-established). Also listed were her mother and siblings Margaret, Janet, William, and Martha.
He appeared on the census of 1851 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; William's age was listed as 2 years and his birthplace as Ayrshire, Scotland. Also listed were his mother and siblings Margaret, Janet, Jane, and Martha.
She appeared on the census of 1851 at Dunlop, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; Martha's age was listed as 11 months and her birthplace as Ayrshire, Scotland (although she was probably born at Dunlop where the family was well-established). Also listed were her mother and siblings Margaret, Janet, Jane, and William.
10. John W.3 STEVENSON (2101) (John2, William1); born 17 February 1853 at Glasgow, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; the birth record notes that he was born at Glasgow and that his father was a mason. Curiously, although John's birth record and death certificate list his date of birth as 17 February 1853, John gave his birth date as "February 1854" in both the 1900 Census and his Naturalization record; baptized 28 March 1853 at Govan, Strathbungo Parish, Strathclyde Co., Scotland, UK; he was baptized by Rev. Mr. Alex Sutherland. Marchtown Church is located between Govan and Govanhill, south of the Glasgow town center along the River Clyde; married Christina Wright (2102), daughter of Henry J. Wright (2110) and Catherine Wilson (2163), 19 November 1879 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT; the ceremony was performed by S. R. Dennen [sp.?]. John listed his age as 25 years and Christina listed hers as 22 years. Both the bride and groom were recorded as residing at 36 Lincoln Street at the time of their marriage; died 19 January 1918 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT, at age 64; the primary cause of death was listed as "acute dilatation of the heart" and the secondary or contributory cause of death was "mitral insufficiancy." In the line titled "Remarks" the Medical Examiner, V. A. Knowlewski M.D., wrote: "He dropped dead in his house." John's son, John K. Stevenson, was listed as "Informant;" buried after 19 January 1918 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT; the funeral was conducted by Hayes & Pierce, Undertakers, of 536 Campbell Avenue in West Haven. He was buried in the Stevenson family plot (#368 South Street).
John's great-grandson, Jonathan R. Stevenson, recalls being told that his ancestor was seven feet tall and had curly red hair. Jonathan's grandfather, Henry W. Stevenson Sr., told him that the family was somehow related to the Wallaces, although his father, Henry W. Stevenson Jr., asserted that they were related to the Stewarts.
Family tradition states that John emigrated from Edinburgh, Scotland with two cousins named King. From the port of New York, John eventually proceeded to West Haven, CT and settled there. Both his King cousins travelled to Texas, where one established the now-famous King Ranch in Kingsville, TX, and the other continued on to San Francisco and then Australia where he also founded a large ranch. This connection to the King family in Texas is corroborated by the fact that the Stevensons exchanged Christmas cards with the Kings each year.
John W. Stevenson was recorded as a stonecutter in 1875, 1895 and 1900; a laborer in 1881; and a construction foreman in 1918. According to Elizabeth (Jacques) Stevenson, he carved the stones at Brewster Estates off Whitney Avenue in New Haven. Family tradition states that he operated a grocery store in West Haven and that, after closing the store each evening, he would proceed to the local cemetery, probably Oak Grove Cemetery on Campbell Avenue, to practice his trade by lamplight on the gravestones there. He immigrated in 1870 to New York, Bronx Co., NY. He was naturalized on 23 March 1875 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT; his age was recorded as 22. This information was gleaned from the Naturalization Records Index at the National Archives at Waltham, Massachusetts. The index card refers to Volume 1-A, page 23 of the Naturalization Records and, although the volume is supposed to be at Waltham, it is "not on the shelves" and its location is "unknown." He and Christina Wright (2102) appeared on the census of 1900 at West Haven (formerly Orange), New Haven Co., CT; John was recorded as head of household. The record states that he was 46 years of age, had been married 20 years, had immigrated in 1870, had been in the United States for 30 years, and was a naturalized citizen. Also listed were his wife, Christina, and their four living children of five: Catherine, John K., Harry W., and Christina M. The record notes that John owned the dwelling on Center Street, that the property was mortgaged, and that the building was a home rather than a farm. In addition, the record stated that John could read, write, and speak English. He and Christina Wright (2102) resided in 1912 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; John was listed as being employed by Sperry & Treat Co. He and Christina Wright (2102) resided in 1918 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; John was listed as a construction foreman for John Maxwell & Son. Daughter Christina was listed as a teacher, boarding at this address, and son John K. was listed as the "Sec'y Treas." of Wood's Drug at 519 Campbell Avenue.
Christina WRIGHT (2102) was born on 3 February 1857 at Edinburgh, Southern Uplands, Scotland, UK; she was born at 15 minutes past midnight. Her father, Henry, signed as witness and registered her birth at Edinburgh on 13 February 1858. In both the 1900 and 1920 census, Christina stated her birth date as "February 1859." She immigrated in 1880. She and John King Stevenson (36) appeared on the census of 1920 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; Christina was recorded as head of household and her son, John, as living with her. She and John King Stevenson (36) resided in 1940 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; "Christian" is listed as the widow of John W. Stevenson and son "John King Stevenson" is listed as a druggist working at 495 Campbell Avenue. She resided circa 1943 at WEst Haven, New Haven Co., CT. She died on 13 November 1943 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT, at age 86; her age was recorded as 86 years, 9 months, 10 days. Christina's son, Henry W. Stevenson, reported her death and Dr. E. Reed Whittemore of 33 Whitney Avenue in New Haven certified her death. He reported the cause of death as "terminal hypoststic pneumonia" (duration, 1 week) due to "senile cerebral sclerosis" (duration, 6 months) due to "advanced age." She was buried on 14 November 1943 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT; her funeral was conducted by Seth N. Taylor, Undertaker, at West Haven. Christina was buried in the Stevenson family plot (#368 South Street).
Children of John W.3 Stevenson (2101) and Christina Wright (2102) were as follows:
John was a druggist and, according to Beatrice (Stevenson) Latham, a long-time resident of West Haven, his drugstore "was located across from the Town Green and next to what was the Cameo Theatre (long since gone). I knew him when I was much younger as I visited the store with my parents many times." Harriet North, another resident of West Haven, states that he opened the drugstore about 1918 and that it was located on Campbell Avenue.
Beatrice (Stevenson) Latham also notes that "John was a bachelor well into life and then married." John had no children. He appeared on the census of 1900 at West Haven (formerly Orange), New Haven Co., CT; his age was recorded as 15 years and his occupation as Errand Boy. He and Christina Wright (2102) appeared on the census of 1920 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; Christina was recorded as head of household and her son, John, as living with her. He resided after 1920 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; according to Beatrice (Stevenson) Latham, John and his wife "lived on Main Street, just across from the West Haven High School (now elderly apartments). After John died, his wife lived there and then finally sold the house which went back to the 1600's. It was bought, I believe, by a preservation organization, and it was dismantled, piece by piece, marked, and moved to the best of my recollection to Sturbridge Village in Mass. and reassembled." He and Christina Wright (2102) resided in 1940 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; "Christian" is listed as the widow of John W. Stevenson and son "John King Stevenson" is listed as a druggist working at 495 Campbell Avenue. He and Emily P. Williams (2130) resided in 1940 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; curiously, John is listed twice in the 1940 West Haven Directory: with his wife, Emily, at this address and with his widowd mother at another address.
12. Catherine Wilson4 STEVENSON (35) (John W.3, John2, William1); born 31 December 1882 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT; she was delivered by Dr. B. S. Lewis; she and James Merwin Tolles (2119) obtained a marriage license 29 May 1909 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; married James Merwin Tolles (2119), son of James Tolles (2219) and Ida L. Pardee (2220), 2 June 1909 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; they were joined in marriage by N. J. Squires, Pastor.
She appeared on the census of 1900 at West Haven (formerly Orange), New Haven Co., CT; her age was recorded as 17 years and her occupation as Post Office Clerk.
James Merwin TOLLES (2119) was born on 4 August 1877 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT. He resided in 1940 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; "James M. Tolles" is listed as a salesman and his two sons, "Merwin W." and "Robert S." are listed as students. There is no mention of James' wife, Catherine, so it is possible that she was deceased by this time.
Children of Catherine Wilson4 Stevenson (35) and James Merwin Tolles (2119) all born at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT, were as follows:
He appeared on the census of 1900 at West Haven (formerly Orange), New Haven Co., CT; his name was recorded as "Harry W.," his age as 11 years, and his occupation as "in school." He and Maria Trumbull Wickwire (2100) resided in 1916 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT. He was employed by "Steno Railroad Office Bldg" in 1916 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT. He and Maria Trumbull Wickwire (2100) resided on 25 May 1916 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT. He was employed as a private secretary on 25 May 1916 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT. He and Maria Trumbull Wickwire (2100) appeared on the census of 1920 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; Henry was recorded as head of household and 30 years of age. Also listed were his wife, Maria, and twin sons Henry Jr. and John. He and Maria Trumbull Wickwire (2100) resided circa 13 November 1943 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; according to grandson, Jonathan Stevenson, they resided at Washington Manor near the West Haven Town Green. After Harry's retirement around 1954, Harry & Rye moved to Florida. Henry ordered a xerox copy of his birth record, probably for Social Security purposes. Henry ordered a xerox copy of his birth record, probably for Social Security purposes.
Maria Trumbull WICKWIRE (2100) was born on 12 January 1895 at Colchester, ? Co., CT; the 1900 Census records Maria's birthdate as January 1890, yet lists her age as five. She appeared on the census of 1900 at Naugatuck, New Haven Co., CT. She died circa 1973 at Sarasota, Sarasota Co., FL. She was buried circa 1973 at Sarasota, Sarasota Co., FL.
Children of Henry Wright4 Stevenson Sr. (2103) and Maria Trumbull Wickwire (2100) were as follows:
She appeared on the census of 1900 at West Haven (formerly Orange), New Haven Co., CT; her age was recorded as 5 years. She served in the United States Navy circa 1918. She and George William Reuben Hughes (43) resided after 11 May 1918 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; according to Harriet North, Christina and George lived in a house that was later torn down and reassembled in Litchfield, CT. Jonathan R. Stevenson states that "Aunt Mae" may have later moved to Long Island, NY. She and George William Reuben Hughes (43) appeared on the census of 1920 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; George was recorded as head of household and 32 years of age. His wife, Christina, was recorded as 23 years of age. May ordered a xerox copy of her birth record, probably for Social Security purposes.
George William Reuben HUGHES (43) was born in 1888 at New Haven, New Haven Co., CT. He served in the United States Navy in 1918.
Children of Christenia May4 Stevenson (37) and George William Reuben Hughes (43) both born at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT, were as follows:
According to Elizabeth (Jacques) Stevenson, George was a physician. He resided circa 1950 at Darien, Fairfield Co., CT.
21. Henry Wright5 STEVENSON Jr. (580) (Henry Wright4, John W.3, John2, William1); born 25 May 1916 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; married Marcia Peckham Budlong (581), daughter of Frank Rhodes Budlong (2105) and Ruth Alice Peckham (2106), 19 May 1942; he and Marcia Peckham Budlong (581) were divorced before 1954; married Lucy Rutledge Bryan (51) circa 1954; married Bernadette Antoinette Vadenais (52) circa 1966; died 30 March 1983 at Pawtucket, Providence Co., RI, at age 66; he was stricken at home in the evening and died of heart failure later that night. He was attended throughout by his stepdaughter, Kim C. Stevenson. Harry died on the first anniversary of the death of his wife, Bernadette; buried 2 April 1983 at Providence, Providence Co., RI; his funeral was conducted 2 April 1983 at Woonsocket, Providence Co., RI; the service commenced at 1:00 in the afternoon. A beautiful eulogy was presented by Rev. Thomas Ahlburn, Pastor of the First Unitarian Church in Providence, RI. In accordance with Harry's wishes, his remains were cremated before interment.
Twins Henry Jr. and John were the first recorded set of twins to be born with a single umbilical cord. Both babies were in danger of death immediately following birth, and the doctor decided to devote his skills to saving Harry, the child he deemed most likely to survive. Once Harry's condition was stabilized, the hospital staff managed to revive Jack. Both twins survived the ordeal and soon went home with their parents. Later in life, they participated in a telepathy study, with the results showing that the twins were 90% noncommunicative. Harry was very active in civic affairs throughout his life. He was a member of the Providence Rotary Club; the Brown University Alumni Association, serving as Treasurer of the Class of 1938; and the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council, serving as Executive Director. He appeared on the census of 1920 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; his age was recorded as 3 years. He was graduated in 1934 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT. He was graduated in 1938 at Providence, Providence Co., RI; he received an A.B. in English. Harry was a member of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity and served on the Editorial Staff of The Brown Daily Herald in his freshman and sophomore years. While attending the university he dated Elizabeth Jacques, who later married Harry's twin brother, Jack. He served in the United States Navy on a minesweeper in the Pacific theatre between 1942 and 1945. He was employed by the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council, serving as head of the Council for seven years between 1948 and 1966. He and Lucy Rutledge Bryan (51) resided between 1954 and 1960 at Providence, Providence Co., RI. He and Bernadette Antoinette Vadenais (52) resided between 1966 and 1973 at Providence, Providence Co., RI. He was employed by the State of Rhode Island Department of Education, serving as Assistant Commissioner of Education between 1966 and 1981. Kim Catherine Whittle Stevenson (62) was adopted by Henry Wright Stevenson Jr. (580) circa 1967 < at an unknown place; Kim's surname was legally changed from Whittle to Stevenson. Glen Edward Whittle Stevenson (61) was adopted by Henry Wright Stevenson Jr. (580) circa 1967 < at an unknown place; Glen's surname was legally changed from Whittle to Stevenson. He and Bernadette Antoinette Vadenais (52) resided between 1973 and 1983 at Lincoln, Providence Co., RI. He was employed by the Providence Review Commission, working part-time as Executive Director between January 1981 and July 1982.
Marcia Peckham BUDLONG (581) married Adrian J. Tourgée (1767) on 1 October 1954. She was born on 22 October 1921. She died on 4 January 1989 at Westerly, Washington Co., RI, at age 67.
Children of Henry Wright5 Stevenson Jr. (580) and Marcia Peckham Budlong (581) are as follows:
There were no children of Henry Wright5 Stevenson Jr. (580) and Lucy Rutledge Bryan (51).
Bernadette Antoinette VADENAIS (52) married George E. Whittle (60) circa 1955. She was born on 19 January 1923 at Cumberland, Providence Co., RI. She died on 30 March 1982 at Pawtucket, Providence Co., RI, at age 59; Pawtucket Memorial Hospital. Her funeral was conducted on 2 April 1982 at Woonsocket, Providence Co., RI; a Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. Joan of Arc Church, 3357 Mendon Road, Cumberland, Providence Co., RI. She was buried on 2 April 1982 at Blackstone, Worcester Co., MA.
There were no children of Henry Wright5 Stevenson Jr. (580) and Bernadette Antoinette Vadenais (52).
22. John Trumbull5 STEVENSON (2104) (Henry Wright4, John W.3, John2, William1); born 25 May 1916 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; married Elizabeth Jacques (42) before 1945; died 19 March 1982 at Huntington Beach, Orange Co., CA, at age 65.
Twins Henry Jr. and John were the first recorded set of twins to be born with a single umbilical cord. Both babies were in danger of death immediately following birth, and the doctor decided to devote his skills to saving Harry, the child he deemed most likely to survive. Once Harry's condition was stabilized, the hospital staff managed to revive Jack. Both twins survived the ordeal and soon went home with their parents. Later in life, they participated in a telepathy study, with the results showing that the twins were 90% noncommunicative. He appeared on the census of 1920 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT; he was recorded as 3 years of age. He was graduated in 1934 at West Haven, New Haven Co., CT. He was graduated in 1938 at Hanover, Grafton Co., NH. He and Elizabeth Jacques (42) resided before 19 March 1982 at Huntington Beach, Orange Co., CA.
Elizabeth JACQUES (42). Betty's father was Foreman of the Cody Ranch in western Connecticut. Buffalo Bill Cody, who had acquired Pancho Villa's guns, gave or sold them to Betty's father, and General Patton wore these guns during World War II. Betty's son, George, inherited the gun collection, but sold the guns to finance a trip to Tennessee to visit his then-girlfriend, Robin. The guns were never recovered. As of 1995, Elizabeth Jacques (42) resided Huntington Beach, Orange Co., CA; 714-846-66542.
Children of John Trumbull5 Stevenson (2104) and Elizabeth Jacques (42) were as follows:
25. Jonathan Rhodes6 STEVENSON (1348) (Henry Wright5, Henry Wright4, John W.3, John2, William1); born 9 October 1945; married Paula Marie Dydowicz (28) 31 March 1973 at Providence, Providence Co., RI; they were married at the bride's home; he and Paula Marie Dydowicz (28) were divorced circa 1994.
As of 1996, Jonathan Rhodes Stevenson (1348) resided Cranston, Providence Co., RI; (401-461-6253).
Paula Marie DYDOWICZ (28) was born on 28 April 1951. She resided before 1994 at Cranston, Providence Co., RI. As of 1996, Paula Marie Dydowicz (28) resided Cranston, Providence Co., RI; (401-461-5790).
Children of Jonathan Rhodes6 Stevenson (1348) and Paula Marie Dydowicz (28) were as follows:
He resided at Cranston, Providence Co., RI; 356 Smith Street, Cranston, RI 02905 (401-461-6253).
Frank's family resided on Parkside Drive in Warwick for several years until his parents' divorce, at which time he moved to 156 Everett Avenue in Providence with his father. They later resided at 397 Wayland Avenue and then 192 Eaton Street.
Frank attended nursery school at the Gordon School in East Providence and continued through the Providence public elementary school system. He graduated from Nathan Bishop Junior High School in 1963 and from Hope High School, as a member of the Rhode Island Honor Society, in 1967. He was accepted at Rhode Island School of Design and the University of Rhode Island, but decided to enter the Civil and Environmental Engineering program at URI, graduating in 1971. While an undergraduate, he was a cadet in the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (R.O.T.C) and a disc jockey for the WRIU radio station.
After his marriage, Frank and his wife rented a house at 463 Bayberry Road in Narragansett. Having been accepted into the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Engineering, he completed his course of study in soil mechanics and received his M.S. in 1973. He and his wife moved from their second rented house at 132 Columbia Street in Peace Dale and bought a home at 69 Everleth Avenue in Warwick in the fall of 1973.
While his wife attended the University of Rhode Island, Frank worked as an Inspector for the City of Providence Building Inspection Department. Less than a year later, he received a position with the Department of Health Waste Management Program (later the Department of Environmental Management - Division of Air and Hazardous Materials) as a Sanitary Engineer. During this time, in July of 1978, he and his wife bought their next home at 99 Killey Avenue in Warwick where they lived for ten years. After achieving the rank of Supervising Sanitary Engineer, he left state service in 1986 and secured a position at GHR Engineering Associates, Inc. He was later promoted to Division Director. When GHR Engineering was purchased by Science Applications International Corporation, Frank was promoted to Division Manager of Environmental Investigations and Planning.
Frank has been a stamp collector since he was quite young and has introduced his children to the hobby. He also greatly enjoys working with computers. Frank Budlong Stevenson (97) and Janis Michelle Frigault (820) resided Glocester, Providence Co., RI; (401-568-4016).
Janis Michelle FRIGAULT (820). Her family resided at 298 Bay View Avenue in Cranston and moved next door to 302 Bay View Avenue when she was about four. She attended St. Paul's School in Cranston and then St. Mary's Academy - Bay View in Riverside, RI. While at Bay View, she was a member of the junior varsity basketball team. Her family moved to 126 Adams Street in Warwick, RI when she was a sophomore in high school; the following fall, she transferred to Pilgrim High School where she joined the basketball and field hockey teams.
After graduating from high school in 1967, Jill worked as a dental assistant for oral surgeons Lloyd C. England D.M.D. and Philip J. Holton D.D.S. She was later accepted into Rhode Island Hospital School of Nursing and completed a year of study in that program. She then resumed working for the oral surgeons as a secretary and, after her marriage, applied to the University of Rhode Island. She graduated with honors in 1975 with a major in psychology and a minor in sociology. She was accepted into University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Psychology and completed two years of study under Dominic Valentino Ph.D. in the field of physiological psychology.
Jill devotes much of her time to her children's school activities and is very active at Ponaganset Middle School and High School. She became interested in genealogy in 1986 and soon realized that a computer would be the best way to keep track of all the information she was compiling. Her husband taught her how to use their home computer and she has since devoted most of her spare time to researching and writing their families' histories and genealogies. She is also active in several historical and genealogical organizations, including the Roger Williams Family Association, the Association des Provost d'Amérique, the American-Canadian Genealogical Society, and the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Since 1992 she has composed and published The Frigault Newsletter, which she currently sends to nearly one hundred fifty households in the U.S. and Canada each month. She was born on 20 October 1949 at Providence, Providence Co., RI; she and her twin brother were delivered by Dr. Stanley Grzebien. Jill was born six minutes after her twin brother, Jack. Jill weighed approximately 5 pounds at birth, and her brother weighed only 3 pounds. She was baptized after 20 October 1949 at Cranston, Providence Co., RI; she was baptized by Fr. MacAleer.
Children of Frank Budlong6 Stevenson (97) and Janis Michelle Frigault (820) were as follows: